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时间:2024-09-24 07:40:14 绕口令




  编一个绕口令,让个别难以发准的音标多次出习在一个或几个句子中,朗读时反复检查自己的口型使口腔习惯于该音的准确位置。若再次碰到此音,口腔便很快滑到该音的准确位置。此谓单音强化练习如有人常把He smiles读成He smells,就是没有掌握[ai]的正确读音。不妨采用如下绕口令对[ai]的音进行强化训练:

  I like to ride my light white bike,and fly a white light kite with my wife.(我喜欢在晚上月光下沿河边和我量子边骑着那白色的轻型车边放白色的轻风筝。)




  Bill was beating a big beast with his big fist,and his big rist was badly bitten by the big beast.



  This is a Kitten in the kitchen.

  In the kitchen I fry the chicken.

  A fly flies into the kitchen while I frv the chicken.(厨房里有一只小猫,我在厨房做炸鸡,当我在做炸鸡时,一只苍蝇飞进厨房。)


  在准确掌握每个音素的基础上,把一些易混淆的音素放进具体的语言环境中,让口腔等发音器官识别 每一个音素。绕口令则能够很好地满足这一要求,充分锻炼各个发音器官的灵活性。如教学实践中,象这些元音,学生往往 感到难以掌握,笔者就让他们练凑下面的绕口令,从慢到快,循序渐进,效果颇佳。

  Betty botter bought some butter,(贝蒂布特买了些黄油,)

  But she said,the butter’S bitter.(但是她说黄油有点苦。)

  If I put it in my batter,(如果我把它放进甜饼糊,)

  it will make my batter bitter.(它会使甜饼糊变苦。)

  But a bit of butter butter,(但加人一点儿较好的黄油,)

  will make my batter better.(就会使甜饼糊味道更好。)

  So she bought a bit of butter,(于是她又买了一点儿黄油,)

  better than her bitter butter.(味道比她的苦黄油更好。)

  And she put it in her batter,(她把它放进甜饼糊,)

  and the batter was not bitter.(甜饼糊也不苦了。)

  Sot was better Betty botter bought a bit 0f better butter.



  Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook,if a good cook could cook good cookies.(如果一个好厨师能烤出好面包,那就让他来烤面包。)



  Peter Piper picked a peck(配克,量词) of pickle(泡菜)prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.

  Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.


  Too many teenagers tend to waste their time watching television.

  Dick's daughter Dianna doesn't like dancing.


  Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook,if a good cook could cook good cookies.

  A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!


  Do you see the green leaves of each tree in the field?

  A little pill may well cure a great ill.

  Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.

  A fat man sat on a black cat and the black cat was squashed flat,for the man was mad.


  Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fiece fishes.

  Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

  Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.

  She sells sea shells on the seashore.The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.

  An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.

  The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives.

  Harris rarely reads literary reviews.


  Brahms is the name of a 19th centry German composer.

  You know I know that you know.I know that you know that I know.

  The spring brings many charming things.


  What,why,when and where are the words we require quite often when we want to ask a question.


  The chief charge against John is that he cheated the judge.

  Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January,but Joan and John went to Jordan and Japan in June and July.

  Trudy's dream has come true at last.

  How many dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?

  The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.


  A large army marched past the farmyard.

  When a doctor doctors another doctor,does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the dotored doctor wants to be doctored or does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctoring doctor wants to doctor the doctor?